
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Starting a Blog

I have been struggling for the last year thinking about how to start this blog. I know starting should be the easy part, but I have gotten stuck wondering what the theme or topic for this blog should be. I have even had a few false starts. Today is the day I will stop thinking about the overarching goal of this blog and start writing.  As Director of Teaching and Learning Innovation at CSU Channel Islands, I am regularly inspired by my colleagues. I am inspired by their teaching, their passion and their questions. These inspirations will provide me with the topics and content for this blog. It is my hope that I can, in turn, inspire others to delve into the world of emerging technologies and deepen the engagement in learning of their students.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jill. Welcome to the blogging community! Your opening post took me back to the day I started my blog in 2007. I was actually in a workshop at a conference. It was led by two teachers who were encouraging other educators to use blogs in teaching. I started one on a whim, thinking I'd delete it later. Then I just kept writing. The post topics fluctuated for the first few months until I found my niche. You're right, you just need to start writing to figure out what your focus area will be. Soon you'll feel that "itch" every now and then and know, "It's time to write!"

    your first fan,
